On discussing with my "good friend" on this blog i was encouraged to ask everyone to share their experiences for working on various Corporate Communication projects. I agreed & felt it would enhance the quality of interaction & will give us a chance to discuss & learn from each others mistakes & success stories. Hence, i would invite all of you to feel free to post your thoughts & experiences. (The one's that i don't like would be deleted...just kidding!!! Remember we are the keepers of Freedom of Speech...So BE It!)...
So go ahead… what are you waiting for people???
Here's mine...
One of the heartaches for all corp comm professionals are the fact of being a support function. Hence, sometimes one feels left out in terms of being a part of the Business Growth of the Company. The feeling arises that my scope is limited.
And the question pops up in your mind “What is the Matrix?”
Think Again!!!
I did make some changes & they worked.
I started improving my scope of work as a personal effort to understand the company’s business better. Not only this… I went a step further to understand the larger dynamics of the industry that my company was a part of.
Phew!!! It did take effort & perseverance as it was not a part of my subject / my job (i.e. the official version of my job as described on my appointment letter).
But, it did work wonders… as I started understanding the perspective of my colleagues, the management & my bosses not to miss the industry associates better. It did lead to improvisation of the Quality & Quantity of PR that I could extend towards my company…For the first time I got enlightened to a true in spirit “Integrated Communication Plan”…
Finally it helped me in my career both in terms of quality & pay hike.
I feel a step closer to understanding the Matrix…Are You???
The Matrix is looking for you…Beep! Beep! Beep! Blackout…
Hi Ujval,
After 9 years of work, I find myself in the same situation, with my foremost crib being classified and treated as a support function ! could you send me the article you have written on this / share some thoughts & ideas. My email ID is divyapall@yahoo.com.
Hi Divya,
Whatever little i have learned in these years my understanding is that a communication deptt can be a part of the change management & can be a self sustained unit. Totally depends on the driver & how far he/she wants to take it...thats the good news.
The bad news...it needs a strong inclination & perseverance to make that shift...dunno if it makes sense to you buddy!
ur welcome to have a google talk discussion over coffee in our respective homes/workplaces :-)
The biggest flak is often reserved for the support wing. Right from disaster management to downsizing (and not to forget the budget control), most of the times member of this species get the unrequited treatment.
As for the Matrix of Corp Comm....It is a set of rules which actually doesn't exist. But looking closely, I found out that there is one thing which I have found out to be the holy grail. Understanding of the business ideology. This sounds cliché but if you look closely, how many corp comm people actually understand the vision of the company and market forces.
Better vendor management, changes in the work flow, astonishing advertisements are mostly the focus areas in most of the companies, where as understanding the philosophies and then bringing in cumulative efforts to place the company in the right segment remains, in my humble opinion, the most important role of a corp comm department.
I am as much guilt of following the same rule of "follow the masses and ignore the niche" as my peers and thats why I could not initially appreciate "Daag achche hain"
Just my 2 cents
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